Seminar Series on V2X Cybersecurity
Seminar 1: Demystifying Misbehaviors in V2X Communication
Time: 12pm-1pm,
Wed, May 5th, 2021
Speakers: William Whyte, Senior Director for Technical Standards, Qualcomm Technology Inc.
Andre Weimerskirch, Vice President for Platform SW, Cybersecurity, and Functional Safety, Lear Corporation
Sanjay Sarma, VP Open Learning, MIT
Moderator: Dajiang Suo
Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) is a technology that allows vehicles to communicate with surrounding vehicles, traffic participants, and infrastructure. While V2X has the potential for significant transportation safety and mobility benefits, its adoption in the real world also poses security challenges, including the risks of cyber and physical attacks that impact traffic safety, efficiency, and user privacy. Speakers in this event will share their views about V2X security and discuss opportunities and solutions.
William Whyte
William Whyte is Senior Director, Technical Standards at Qualcomm Technology Inc., following the acquisition by Qualcomm of OnBoard Security where he was CTO. William is one of the world’s leading experts in the design and deployment of security for connected vehicle and general mobile ad hoc networking systems. He is the editor of IEEE 1609.2, the baseline standard used worldwide for connected vehicle communications security, and of its related and successor standards. He was a key contributor to the design of the Security Credential Management System for Connected Vehicle in the US and lead security consultant on the New York City Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment. His technical background is in cryptography and, before that, in theoretical physics, in which he has a B.A. from Trinity College Dublin and a D. Phil from Oxford University, England.
André Weimerskirch
André Weimerskirch is Vice President for Platform SW, Cybersecurity and Functional Safety at Lear Corporation. Before that, André established the transportation cybersecurity group at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and co-founded the embedded systems security company ESCRYPT which was sold to Bosch in 2012.
André is active in all areas of automotive and transportation cybersecurity and privacy, he is a main designer of the American vehicle-to-vehicle SCMS security system, published numerous articles in automotive and embedded cyber security, is co-founder of the American workshop on embedded security in cars (escar USA), and chairs the Mcity cybersecurity working group at the University of Michigan.
Sanjay Sarma
Sanjay Sarma is the Fred Fort Flowers (1941) and Daniel Fort Flowers (1941) Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. He is the Vice President Open Learning at MIT. He co-founded the Auto-ID Center at MIT and developed many of the key technologies behind the EPC suite of RFID standards now used worldwide. He was also the founder and CTO of OATSystems, which was acquired by Checkpoint Systems (NYSE: CKP) in 2008. He serves on the boards of GS1, EPCglobal and several startup companies including Top Flight Technologies, Hochschild Mining (HOC:LSE) and edX.
Dr. Sarma received his Bachelors from the Indian Institute of Technology, his Masters from Carnegie Mellon University and his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. Sarma also worked at Schlumberger Oilfield Services in Aberdeen, UK, and at the OATSystems. He has authored over 150 academic papers in computational geometry, sensing, RFID, automation and CAD, and is the recipient of numerous awards for teaching and research including the MacVicar Fellowship, the Business Week eBiz Award and Informationweek's Innovators and Influencers Award. He advises several national governments and global companies.
Dajiang Suo
Dajiang Suo is a postdoctoral associate at MIT Auto-ID Lab. He obtained a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT in 2020. Suo holds a B.S. degree in mechatronics engineering, and S.M. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering Systems. His research interests include V2X security and privacy preservation of multimodal vehicle data. Suo also develops laser-based sensing technologies for object recognition in autonomous vehicles.
Before returning to school to pursue a Ph.D. degree, Suo was with the vehicle control and autonomous driving team at Ford Motor Company (Dearborn, MI), working on the safety and cyber-security of automated vehicles. He also serves on the Standing Committee on Enterprise, Systems, and Cyber Resilience (AMR40) at the Transportation Research Board.
Seminar 2: Connected Vehicle Testing: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Time: 12pm-1pm ET,
Wed, May 26th, 2021
Speakers: Steve Johnson, Associate VP and Connected Vehicle Program Manager at HNTB Corporation
Meng Lu, Strategic Innovation Manager at Peek Traffic B.V.
Henry Liu, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan and director for the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation.
Moderator: Dajiang Suo
The past decade has seen increased connected vehicle (CV) pilot programs conducted in different regions in the world. In cooperation with car manufacturers and equipment suppliers, local government and transportation agencies have integrated wireless communication modules into both vehicles and infrastructure in the hope that CV technologies can prevent incidents and reduce traffic congestion. Though promising, each CV pilot program can face different challenges posed by technological, economic, geological, and social factors unique to the local testing site. Speakers in this event will share their views about best practices and lessons learned from CV testing projects conducted in the U.S. and the EU. Dajiang Suo will moderate the panel.